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Jupiter: 10 months in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Writer's picture: Pamela McDonough Pamela McDonough

Primary meanings of a positively placed Jupiter: Joy, boundlessness, abundance, wisdom, ethics and morals, children, teachers, teaching, success, optimism, foreign travel, children and good fortune.

Jupiter encourages immense desire to reach for new heights in learning and through expanding horizons of wisdom and experiences, especially those outside of our cultural norms.

As the judge and wisdom advisor, Jupiter also corresponds with ethics and morals, philosophy, religion and spirituality.

While Saturn focuses on the details, Jupiter’s perspective is a very expansive one, contemplating the bigger picture.

Astrologically speaking, each planet has a shadow side or potential to amplify negative personality traits or tendencies, even the greatest benefic, Jupiter!

On the downside, Jupiter can encourage over-expansion. This may cause over inflation of the ego (including economic inflation, when assessing for mundane astrology) and extravagance, especially when Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces April 27 - May 22.

Depending upon the house and sign Jupiter is transiting through in your birth chart, it can give great desire for wealth and status, self-indulgence, spiritual bypassing and arrogance. Jupiter’s energy can sometimes express itself as un-motivated or lazy.

Jupiter rules body fat, so there is potential for weight gain when Jupiter is strong and influencing key points in the birth chart that are related to food, or the ruler of the chart and the first house.

Jupiter typically moves through one nakshatra in a few months, possibly a little longer if it happens to go retrograde at some point within the nakshatra. In this case Jupiter goes retrograde near the end of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra and therefore will be in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra for close to one year!

On April 28 Jupiter enters Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra. The last time Jupiter spent this long in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra was in 1939!

If you are in a main or sub period of Saturn (planet that activates Uttara Bhadrapada) or Jupiter, this nakshatra energies are more significant and will influence your life experience. How it influences depends upon the individual birth chart.

And if you are in the main or sub-period of Saturn or Jupiter during the next 12 months, pay close attention to the next part of this newsletter!

Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

On April 28 Jupiter enters Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra.

Jupiter will be moving through Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra for almost ten of the twelve months of this transit. The last time Jupiter spent this long in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra was in 1939!

Jupiter normally transits through one nakshatra in a few months, possibly a little more if it happens to go retrograde at some point within the nakshatra. In this case Jupiter goes retrograde near the end of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra and therefore will be there for almost a year

Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra is connected to the most sacred, secret knowledge of the nagas from the enchanted underworld (naga-loka).

It is said that the favorite place of serpents is in the ocean, which is most often associated with the sign Pisces.

In certain cultures snakes are feared, and in others they are revered. Serpents or Sarpas are considered to have great wisdom or dhi, and they are associated with kundalini.

The serpent that presides over Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra is called Ahir Budhyana and sometimes called Sesna (Sheshna), both of whom are associated with Vishnu. Like Vishnu the great Preserver, Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra is fixed, and works began in this nakshatra are said to be auspicious for permanent works, like laying the foundation for a home, starting business, planting a garden, etc.

These revered beings are also believed to have the power of speech, therefore Uttara Bharapada nakshatra is also associated with a person who has excellent oratory abilities. Jupiter transiting through Uttara Bhadrapada will add to this influence supporting outstanding and charismatic speaking abilities.

Ultimately snakes or sarpas are both worshiped and feared. They are said to have magical and mystical powers, and yet can still be poisonous.


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