Please be sure to read for your rising and Moon signs. If you know your Sun sign, you can read for that as well. Keep in mind that these forecasts are based upon the sidereal zodiac and that your individual chart, planetary placements and currently planetary cycles at hand are going to have a significant impact on your life experience. This forecast for Saturn retrograde is still very relevant, regardless. The nuances are found in the individual birth chart.
And be sure to read the first part of this article that gives all of the key transit dates, remedies for Saturn and other important details about this retrograde phase.
Aries: Your personal philosophies, religious beliefs and/or metaphysical studies have been in question for the past two years that Saturn has been transiting through Sagittarius.. Also, how you manage your health, your daily routine and your communication with others may have been under review. Take time during this final retrograde phase to focus on what you have changed, what has worked, what has not panned out. Once Saturn goes direct in September be sure to put your new beliefs and routines into place. Consider them all carefully as this will be the last time for such a review for many years to come!
Taurus: The last few years you may have experienced some transformation regarding your romantic partners finances (if you have been in a relationship) or possibly a financial shift within a business partnership This retrograde period through September may be asking for one last look at these structures. Are things working out the way you had hoped? Are adjustments needed? There may be some delays regarding an inheritance, insurance payout or settlement during the Saturn retrograde period. Remember to be patient, since it is Saturn! Things should get moving by late fall/winter 2019.
Gemini: Roles and responsibilities within your romantic and business relationships are up for one last review over the next five months. Consider what is a fair regarding financial and other responsibilities around the house in a current or future partnership. Contemplate this over the next few months. Whether you are in a romantic or business partnership or not, this retrograde period is also an excellent time to focus on organizing your estate and reviewing your will. If you do not have a will in place do consider implementing one now. Either you or your partner may be working quite a bit more than usual and your relationship may seem distant during this five month retrograde period. Or if you are not currently in a relationship you may be working so much that you do not have time to dive into deep end of the dating pool. This energy will shift dramatically as Saturn moves into Capricorn in early 2020.
Cancer: Health and lifestyle routines have been shifting and transforming significantly while Saturn has been in Sagittarius the last two years. This final retrograde phase is the perfect chance to review the changes that you have put into place. And to consider other tweaks that still need to be made your routines! Maybe an important shift that you weren't quite ready to tackle earlier is under consideration, but needs to be implemented before Saturn leaves Sagittarius in early 2020. Take the next five months to streamline and adjust and implement your plans once Saturn goes direct in September.
Leo: This retrograde phase signals a time to reconsider and reconnect with your responsibilities associated with your children. Heavy and sombre Saturn in Sagittarius is also putting a bit of a damper on fun and games, romance, joy, and responsibilities around health, relationships, and income might be weighing heavily on your mind. His melancholic influences to this house can sometimes have the effect of feeling unloved, a lack of joy and the vata or wind element that he brings with him can disturb the mind and create an inability to relax or creative blocks. Use this five month retrograde period wisely and determine what you really need (not desire - remember it is minimalist Saturn we are talking about here!) in the way of responsible fun, joy, romance and peace of mind!
Virgo: Home and possibly your relationship with your mother may have been undergoing renovations the past few years. Significant progress may have been made in these areas of life, but this Saturn retrograde phase is asking you to take another look! Is there additional work to be done or revised in these sensitive areas of life? Life may have felt a bit heavy with responsibility too, during this transit of Saturn to your fourth house. Saturn's gaze to the other houses in your birth chart can also bring up considerations around the balance between work and home. Seize this final opportunity to determine your needs and implement the changes once Saturn goes direct in September.
Consider a consultation with me if you want to deeply understand the key elements of Saturn in your birth chart and this very important Saturn transit; How it has the potential to influence your life experience, and the critical life lessons that Saturn is asking you to be responsible for in the five months that Saturn is retrograde.
Libra: Social interactions and communication style has been under review by Saturn in the past two years. Relations with best friends and younger siblings are spotlighted at this time, too. If you have been focusing on other areas of life, this final retrograde phase in Sagittarius is your last chance for many years to utilize Saturn's streamlined perspective and put a more formal structure in place. You may have already made some adjustments in these sectors of your life over the past 24 months. If so, this retrograde phase is asking you to take one more closer look, just in case something else needs to be addressed and put into place once he goes direct in late September,
Scorpio: Saturn has been asking for you to place some structure around your spending and savings. Since 2017, Saturn has been urging you to put some systems into place to support your objectives for growing your financial assets, in part through managing your spending. These last few months of the Saturn retrograde phase will be the perfect time to review how you have done and what you have accomplished. If you need to make adjustments now is the time to do so. If you need to adjust your budget further, connect with the disciplinarian energy of Saturn to get the systems into place and meet your savings goals for the future! The work you do now is so important and it will lay the groundwork in this area of life for the next 28 years!
Sagittarius: Saturn has been passing through your all important first house! This is usually not a lighthearted experience. Especially for naturally expansive and fiery Sagittarius. Saturn has been asking you to find out where your physical limits and boundaries are placed.. This retrograde phase is giving you a chance to review the last two years and your progress in these areas of life. You may have felt less social as you work toward your inner goals. This will likely continue until Saturn moves into Capricorn in early 2020. It is time to focus on you and your roles and responsibility within relationships, whether business or romantic. These key areas of life are all coming up for one final review through September as Saturn moves retrograde.
Capricorn: Your chart ruler Saturn is at the very end of your birth chart, and is the end of a cycle. The last few months of 2019 and this retrograde period is preparing you for the start of a new 28 year Saturn cycle! This is very significant culmination of the last 28-30 years that Saturn has taken to move between the twelve signs and houses of the horoscope. It is definitely a time when going inward is key. From now until September is the ideal time to reflect upon all areas of your life and how you think you did, regarding your karmic score-card with Saturn and the things Saturn represents. Be sure to read the first part of this article!
Aquarius: Saturn is the co-ruler of your chart (with Rahu) and the retrograde phases of Saturn are very important as a result! Take time during this retrograde phase to assess your larger group of friends (think acquaintances) and how much involvement you want with them going forward. Maybe it is time to distance yourself from certain groups or casual acquaintances that no longer align with your core values? Income from your work has been in focus the past few years and this retrograde period can signal a time to review your accomplishments. If you feel that you have not achieved your goals, then now is the time to review why and put new plans into place once Saturn goes direct in September.
Pisces: During the past few years your work, whether self-employed or working for someone else, may have felt like a grind! Saturn moving through the house of career can bring a lot of hard work, attention to detail and possibly work that feels like it should be done by someone reporting to you or to be hired out to a freelancer. The good news is that your hard work and efforts can be rewarded once Saturn goes into Capricorn in early 2020! In the meantime you have until September with this retrograde phase to buck-up and square away anything that needs to be addressed before Saturn leaves this house. Be sure to revisit anything that needs to be improved upon!
Consider a consultation with me if you want to deeply understand the key elements of Saturn in your birth chart and this very important Saturn transit; How it has the potential to influence your life experience, and the critical life lessons that Saturn is asking you to be responsible for in the five months that Saturn is retrograde.
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