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Writer's picturePamela McDonough

Halloween Mercury Retrograde: A Ghostly Affair!

Mercury just turned retrograde in eerie Scorpio on Halloween at 8:40am PDT today (October 31)! As I write this blog post communicative Mercury is slowing to a halt for the final Mercury retrograde of 2019.

Before I get into the by sign forecast (skip to forecasts below if you don't want the astro deets), there are a few important influences to Mercury retrograde over the next few weeks that I want to share with you - mark your calendars!

Here are the key dates during Mercury retrograde in Scorpio:
  • October 31: Mercury actually goes retrograde while at the tail end of a planetary war with Venus! Planetary wars are considered conjunctions in Western astrology, but in Vedic they are two planets within one degree of each other, and therefore they are at war! Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Taurus this is most significant for you! Venus AND Mercury are both weakened by the war.Communicative Mercury is running away from a battle with love-loving Venus - he's just not going to engage! Venus and Mercury don't resolve their issues until their next conjunction/planetary war on May 22, 2020! Put a note in your calendar on these dates: 10/31/19 and 5/22/20 and see what comes up around business, communication and relationships

  • November 10-20: Venus and Mars are exchanging signs (Venus is in Mars ruled sign Scorpio and Mars is in Venus ruled sign Libra) and will be in full control of the Mercury retrograde phase during these dates since they are mutually controlling the sign that Mercury is retrograde in (through what is called dispositorship),

  • November 11: Mercury combust the Sun, the day before and the day after Mercury's outer indications are particularly weak - communication, business, writing, marketing. This is particularly difficult for Gemini and Virgo rising.

  • November 11 to 19: Mercury sandwiched between Sun and Mars - this brings a lot of heated dialogues within ordinary communication. Be patient with yourself and others on these days.

  • November 14: Mercury trine Neptune: Don't get lost in lala land a day or two before and after this date! You may want to delay important life decisions if reasonable.

  • November 15: Mercury backs into Swati nakshatra from Vishakha nakshatra.

  • November 20: Mercury direct


Horoscopes by Rising (or Vedic Sun Sign) Sign by Pamela McDonough

If you know your rising sign read for that - if not read for your Sun sign. Rising sign forecasts are best!

Aries (April 13-May 14)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

This Mercury retrograde phase is a double whammy in the communication department for you Aries! Mercury, the planet of communication, writing, business is also the planet that rules the zone of your horoscope associated with writing and communication. Double check EVERYTHING during this Mercury retrograde period. Especially important legal documents that have to do with joint finances, if you are in a partnership.

Be sure that your partner is able to assess the situation clearly, especially since optimistic Neptune is strongly influence Mercury retrograde from November 12-16. This is a good time to review your day to day expenses and make adjustments once Mercury goes direct on November 20.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Taurus (May 15-June 14)

Please note your Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Its time to reassess your long term savings goals with your partner! If you are not currently in a partnership now would be an excellent time revisit what is important to you in a partnership and what you value financially and otherwise. This Mercury retrograde phase is also an excellent opportunity to have a close look at your diet, as we go into the holiday season in the US.

And if you are thinking about adding a wee one to your family, the next few weeks will be a great time to contemplate this and decide if you are financially prepared for a new baby. Nebulous Neptune is in the mix November 12-16, so best to avoid major life decisions around this time if you can. Rational Mercury gets spongy when illusion oriented Neptune is influencing. Once Mercury goes direct on November 20 put all of your plans into place!

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Gemini (June 15-July 14)

Please note your Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

​Mercury is your planetary ruler, so Mercury retrograde periods are always super important for you! This particular Mercury retrograde is urging you to assess how you spend your time at work and at home. Are you being productive? Is there a creative project you have been putting off? Possibly a former flame appears on the scene or you want to reconsider a past love during this retrograde period. Take a close look at these areas of your life.

Be SURE to take the rose colored glasses OFF from November 12-16 when Mercury is in trines at nebulous Neptune! Especially around your work and romantic relationships. These few days are an excellent creative time for you but not a great time for details and strategic, clear thinking. Hold off on any major new decisions during Mercury retrograde, and especially so November 12-16!

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Cancer (July 15-August 14)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

You may be retracing your steps (literally) quite a bit over the next few weeks sensitive Cancer! Mercury connects to short distance journeys and this retrograde phase may have you running to and fro and back again. And these extra travels may have something to do with a relationship. This will be an excellent time to reevaluate any romantic partnerships that you are involved in.

Pay close attention to the few days that Mercury is in trines to Neptune from November 12-16. Your creative urges will be flowing and if you are a writer this will be an exceptionally wonderful time to write fiction, fantasy or poetry. Not the ideal time for a non-fiction essay or book or for working on anything that requires super strategic and analytical thinking.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Leo: (August 15-September 15)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Have you been thinking about investing in a remodel, purchasing  a new home or some land? Or you may have some unexpected home expenses or repairs come up in November. This Mercury retrograde period is an ideal time to reevaluate your position on these issues.

If you are self employed and are planning to raise your fees soon, you may want to wait until Mercury goes direct. If you are working for someone else. November is not a great time to ask for a raise in pay The time period between November 12-16 is a particularly fuzzy period especially around t a decision related to anything financial, especially related to your savings goals, business and marketing plans and in and around your home space. Mercury is THE planet connectsed to finances for you Leo, so If possible wait until Mercury goes direct on November 20 before putting your plans in place. Be extra mindful of your communication (speech specifically) with others particularly from November 11 to November 19 when Mercury is under the influence of fiery Sun and Mars!

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Virgo: (September 16-October 15)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Your all important planetary ruler Mercury is retrograde in the zone of your horoscope connected to your social interactions and communication! Holiday season is gearing up and you will want to be mindful of what you say and how you say it, especially at any work related functions! This would include your written communications for work as well. 

This retrograde period will be fantastic for reviewing a book proposal or re-writing a article, essay, or possibly a course that you may have already begun. Pay close attention to the time period from November 12-16 since dreamy Neptune will be at the helm and having a strong influence on the usually detailed oriented Mercury! 

You may also need to take a look and plan some revisions to your long term savings objectives. Make sure you have all of your plans ready to go when Mercury goes direct on November 20.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Libra: (October 16-November 14)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

If you have been planning a long distance journey or thinking about taking a course or going back to shool, keep contemplating! This Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will be the perfect time to review your thoughts, ideas and plans in these areas of life. Be sure to include in your thoughts and analysis the long term financial ramifications of your choice, Keep in mind mystical and idealistic Neptune will be sending you messages through rose colored glasses from November 12-16.

If you are currently involved in philanthropic giving, this Mercury retrograde phase and the end of the calendar year is an outstanding time to re-evaluate whether or not you want to continue with your current charitable donations, or if you want to focus your giving toward another cause. Confirm all of your plans only after Mercury goes direct on November 20.

Be extra mindful of your communication (speech specifically) with others particularly from November 11 to November 19 when Mercury is under the influence of fiery Sun and Mars!

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Scorpio: (November 15-December 14)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Transformation loving Scorpios, get ready to start your engines! Mercury is a key planet for you when it comes to personal shifts and this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will be asking you to revisit and reassess your most recent changes. Were they all necessary? Did you throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak? Regardless of how you answer these questions it is time to take another look.

If you are currently studying or working in the field of esoteric arts such as astrology, tarot or energy healing, you may want to go back and revisit some of your former studies. This is an exceptional time to review your roots related to these subjects. Tap into the mystical energy of Neptune from November 12-16. You may receive some significant message from the ethers around this time. Great timing for tapping into the subconscious mind, but NOT great timing for doing detailed, critical or analytical thinking! Put all of your Mercury retrograde efforts into action once Mercury goes direct on November 20.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Sagittarius: (December 15-January 13)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Mercury is the planet associated with your romantic and business partnerships, as well as your career and professional reputation. Therefore Mercury is an EXTREMELY important planet for all Sagittarians! There may be some secret information coming out about one or both of these areas of your life during this Mercury retrograde phase in Scorpio. Pay close attention to your dreams in November, especially around the time when mystical Neptune is trine retrograde Mercury from November 12-16.  You will be tuned in to the mystical so pay close attention! Your partner may also be very busy with some work related projects in November, possibly redoing something that was previously put into place. 

There may be some issues regarding income from your work, or your romantic partners financial resources that has the capacity to impact your gains. Be cautious about your investments during this time. November is a fantastic time to evaluate your charitable contributions and decide where you want to put your focus in 2010. Be sure to put any new plans in place after Mercury goes direct November 20.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Capricorn: (January 14 - February 11)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will involve some potential for career decisions, possibly related to the money you earn from your work. This retrograde period will be excellent for deciding what you want to accomplish with regard to your career and subsequent financial gains from your work. Try to stay realistic (usually not difficult from pragmatic Capricorns!) but know that dreamy Neptune is in the mix from November 12-16 and you may want to avoid major decisions at that time if you can.

You may be reevaluating your larger group of friends at this time too - not your BFF category of friends, but your casual acquaintances and those who you know through professional organizations that you belong to. Contemplate what needs to be transformed in these areas of your life and put your plans into place once Mercury goes direct on November 20.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Aquarius: (February 12- March 13)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Thinking about changing jobs or starting your own business? If you haven't until now, this may be the time you begin the process toward a change in career. The entire Mercury retrograde period can bring up some desire to inject more fun, more of your personal passions into your work. Dream away, because nebulous Neptune will be shooting rays filled with rainbows and unicorns to Mercury, especially from November 12 to 16. This is a time to dream and contemplate, but not to make any major life altering deciioons! Wait until after Mercury goes direct on November 20.

This Mercury retrograde phase is also a great time to consider some long distance travel. And you may even be asked to take some foreign trips for your work if you are in a global role. Or a getaway to a distant land for spiritual purposes would be another consideration. Whatever you decide it will be important that you have a great passion for the journey.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.

Pisces: (March 14 - April 12)

Please note Vedic Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology!!!

Your personal and business relationships may be undergoing som e significant transformation at this time. This Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will provide a three-week window to consider what might need to be changed in these areas of your life. You may also be considering a change of residence. or redecorating or expanding your current residence. Whatever the case be sure to wait until Mercury goes direct on November 20 to put any plans into place! Especially since the usually rational Mercury is getting some seriously dreamy and possibly illusory vibes from nebulous Neptune from November 12 to 16.

You may be considering a trip to a far away land with your partner. This retrograde period will provide the perfect opportunity to revisit your travel plans and be sure that you are both in agreement with regard to where you would like to go.

My Jupiter changing signs forecast is coming out in the next week! Sign up for my email news to stay tuned in to all the important planetary changes ahead. Sign up here.

You can schedule a consultation with Pamela here.


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