Full Corn Moon September 1 @ 10:23 PM Pacific Time
One name given the September full Moon by Native Americans was the Full Corn Moon because it traditionally corresponded with corn harvest time.
You will see the almost full Moon rising from the east or northeast (depending upon where in the US you are - checktimeanddate.com for other countries moon rise direction) just after sunset on Monday, September 1st. It becomes full at 10:23 PM. Pacific Time September 1st, or 1:23 AM Eastern Time on Tuesday, September 2nd.
At the time of the full Moon, excitable and unconventional Uranus is in a harmonious fire sign relative to the full Moon in airy Aquarius. But try not to be too impulsive...read on!
At the peak of the full moon we have a face-off between Venus in the Moon's sign of Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn putting the brakes on all things Venusian, such as art, love, beauty, and diplomacy.
If you are Aquarius rising, this is your one and only full Moon in your sign during 2020. Be sure to use the energy of the full Moon to complete something personal!
Regardless of your rising sign, there will be an underlying energy for all associated with this new Moon in the air sign of Aquarius connected to:
▪ Hard work ▪ Politics ▪ Humanitarian Perspective ▪ Creativity
Full Moon in Shatabhishak Nakshatra: 100 Healers

This excerpt about Shravana Nakshatra is from my new book Vedic Astrology for Beginners: An Introduction to the Origins and Core Concepts of Jyotish:
Deity: Varuna Symbol: 1,000-Petal Lotus
Shakti: The Power of Healing Quality: Movable
Varuna, the god of cosmic order is also the owner of the magic-power
(maya) or illusion according to the Rig Veda. He is linked to nighttime and covers all things. He is also the lord of all waters, including the oceans. The ocean is typically symbolic of the subconscious mind and represents that within Shatabhishak. The subconscious can guide a person to tap into powerful healing potential within Shatabhishak or to dive into the darkness and illusion of maya.
(This was just a short excerpt and not the full book text for this nakshatra...)
This nakshatra can also connect with someone who has great capacity for healing others. Many allopathic and natural medicine healers have important planets within this nakshatra. It is a wonderful nakshatra for healing yourself and others.
Use this powerful, healing full Moon energy to complete the circle of healing in your life!
This nakshatra also supports: ▪ Healers and healing ▪Taking medicine ▪Learning/practicing astrology
▪Relaxing and healing near the ocean
Full Healing Moon Intention
You may want to contemplate these questions before intention setting/rituals for this full Moon.
▪What within me needs to be healed? ▪How can I connect with this full Moon healing energy within Shatabishak?
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny. ~ Ghandi” "
Set your intentions during the full Moon phase but conduct your rituals AFTER the phase shifts to waning - see times below!
The image below is one of many altar cloths/crystal grids that I created for powerful new and full Moon rituals!

magical crystals and tarot/crystal/herb pouches made 100% from scratch by yours truly, in my Etsy shop, too!
Just a few of my offerings from my shop MoondanceAlchemy - from the image below starting in the upper right corner, clockwise:
Celestine (Celestite) Druze, great for spiritual work - 6th and 7th chakras Maraba Amethyst, great for healing and dealing with pain, sleep issues, anxiety and offers psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone, very supportive for difficult transits to the Moon.

Full Moon Ritual Timing for Endings

Full Moon Phase (Poornima): Begins August 31 @ 9:10 PM Pacific Time and ends September 1 @ 10:21 Pacific Time.
BEST TIMING FOR ENDINGS: September 1, 10:22 PM Pacific Time through September 2, 6:02 AM Pacific Time.
Happy full Moon and thank you for taking time to read my words!
Sending out much healing for everyone and my sincere gratitude for your continued support during these difficult times.
Be well! Pamela
You can calculate your Vedic birth chart free on my website here.
Check timeanddate.com for Moon rising and setting times in your area.
September 1, Full Corn Moon Horoscopes

Aries September 1, Full Moon Forecast
This full Moon connects to your larger social network - both career and friendships and your income that you earn from career. Is there something that needs to be completed so that you can move forward in a more productive way in these areas of your life?
Beyond the full Moon, your fast and fiery ruler Mars is going to be squaring off with slow and serious Saturn off and on over the next few months. This is definitely cause for some frustration. Additionally, Mars will be headed for its once every couple of years retrograde phase on September 9! More on Mars retrograde later in the week.
The best remedy for a Mars-Saturn duel is patience, which you probably would admit is not a natural thing for most with Aries rising!
Mars Retrograde and Mars/Saturn Square
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
This is the most powerful full Moon of the year for you Taurus! The full corn Moon in your career zone is emphasizing something that needs to be healed and there may be someone that must come to a conclusion.
Your sensitive and very harmony loving ruler Venus will be going head-to-head with fiery Mars soon after the full Moon through the first week of the month. Mars represents your partnerships - both business and personal so do try to keep cool in the days after the full Moon! There may be an issue with a co-worker or business partner. This is a good week to not get into the weeds about important business dealings if possible!
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
The full Corn Moon in September occurs in the most fortunate zone of your horoscope! Once a year, your ninth house of luck, fortunate, higher learning and foreign lands is illuminated by this bright and beautiful full Moon!
If you are participating in a remote learning courses and are connected to spirituality, meditation or yoga teacher training, this full Moon time could be a great time to complete them if they are wrapping up soon.
And the healing energy of Shatabhishak nakshatra can support any healing that needs to be done regarding your ninth house, which includes your relationship with father and teachers, past and present.
The day after the full Moon, your all-important chart ruler will slide into (sidereal) Virgo. This is Mercury's sign of strength and this movement through Virgo only happens once a year! Take full advantage of the next three weeks as Mercury is incredibly happy at home through September 21. Virgo is also the area of the chart associated with your home and personal happiness. This will have a great grounding (Virgo is an earth sign!) for you and your time in your h-aum base.
That said, once Mercury enters Virgo, he gets a direct nod from serious Saturn through September 3. This is a reminder to maintain your responsibilities at home and be sure to do your mundane chores around the house. And if you are working from home - bonus! This influence will support you in your discipline while working at home over the next few weeks, enough time to get into a great routine for fall and beyond.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Time to complete some part of your most recent personal transformation journey during this full Moon, dear Cancer. which is no easy task for you since you are ruled by the ever-changing Moon, waxing and waning, shifting, and changing daily!
This ending may on some part be connected to your work and there may be something surprising that ends on or near the full Moon that is associated with your career.
There is some additional planetary action associated with your career this month and beyond! Mars and Saturn are squaring off with a varying influence over the next few months. The first time occurred around August 23. Once Mars goes retrograde on September 10, there may be some re-envisioning around your career, more on this Mars retrograde closer to the retrograde date!
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
The September full Corn Moon illuminates your partnerships, both romantic and business. This area of your chart only gets a full Moon once a year, so take time to determine what needs to end so that current or future business or romantic relationships can flourish! There may also be some surprising news connected to your relationships that comes around the time of the full Moon.
Enjoy the last few weeks of the bright Sun transiting though sidereal Leo as your ruler is strong in its own sign through September 15. Once Sun moves into Virgo on September 16, we are headed into fall season and a more inward perspective for Leo rising folks.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Your health, daily routines, and work, as well as debts and disputes are the areas of life that are being lit up by the brilliance of this full Corn Moon! If you have any outstanding issues that need to be tied up, this would be an excellent time to pull together the details and complete necessary work in these areas of your life.
Particularly related to healing since the full Moon occurs within the nakshatra of Shatabhishak, which is an outstanding nakshatra for taking healing medicines and herbs.
Your ruler Mercury is also headed into extraordinarily strong and stable territory as it moves into its exaltation sign of earthly Virgo shortly after this full Moon! Enjoy the next three weeks and take advantage of this transit to really re-enforce your health. Disciplined Saturn will be in full support of you sticking to your plan and being very regimented regarding any new health or healing program.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Lovely Libra this is a delightful full Moon for you! A fan-freaking-tastic (I know that is not a word, but I really had to use it!) time for you to heal any wounds from current or former romantic relationships or encounters. Or the perfect time to put a full stop at the end of a relationship that may not be bringing you joy or satisfying your needs personally.
And your luxury and love-loving ruler Venus is being pressed by serious Saturn to focus on your inner happiness and your home life at this time too. Especially so around the full Moon and the day after. Venus will continue its emotional exploration as it moves through Cancer for most of September. This is also your career zone, so there will be some push pull energy around wanting to spend some time at home vs. working for you this month if you are employed or self-employed.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
This is a very personal and potentially emotional full Moon for you Scorpio! The full Corn Moon illuminates the area of your horoscope that is most associated with mother, home, and happiness. If you are among the many who are now working at home, you may want to take this full Moon ending time to determine what in your home environment needs to go in order for you to be more productive and more peace-filled in your home environment.
Additionally, your all-important chart ruler, Mars, is going to be headed retrograde for the first time since July 2018! Mars will also be a head to head battle with Saturn off and on from now through the end of the year. More on this later in the month, but suffice it to say, patience will be required over the balance of 2020 for so many who are ruled by Mars and Saturn, which includes YOU! Count to ten and be sure to breathe through it. Connect with nature and do not push so hard when you feel like you are hitting obstacles in your path. It will come...just more slowly than usual!
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Astrology Forecast
Communication and younger siblings, if you have them, are highlighted at this full corn Moon on September 1, or September 2 if you happen to live on the east coast. If you are toward the end of a writing project, especially if it is related to wellness or healing, this is a fantastic full Moon to put the finishing touches and get that article or book done!
If you have younger siblings and want to complete a project or get the air cleared around any issue, this is also a good time to do so.
Your expansive ruler Jupiter has been moving retrograde for the past few months and is finally going to be moving forward on September 12 - yay! If you feel as though you have had your feet in tar the recently, please know that the energy will be shifting, especially once Jupiter gets going faster around the end of September.
Your always important chart ruler Jupiter is getting excited to move direct on September 12. If you have been feeling somewhat stuck, especially in personal transformation, just hang on for a few more weeks! Things will be moving along much more quickly by early October. You will be finishing up a period of significant personal and/or career transformation by the middle of November. This transformation began late March/early April.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Capricorn this full Corn Moon will light up your financial matters, both your assets and your savings. This will be a great time to review your finances and determine what you need to save (and spend!) regularly to support your overall wellbeing, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The full Moon in the healing nakshatra of Shatabishak can guide you. What part of your budget needs to be trimmed so that you can invest more in you?
Simultaneously, Saturn will be connecting with Venus on the day of and the day after the full Moon. Venus relates to what you are passionate about and the joy in your life, as well as your career. Take time September 1-2 to connect to these key areas of your life.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Aquarius is this is your only full Moon for 2020! Be sure to take full advantage of this healing and brilliant new Moon energy in your sign. And if you are born with your rising degree within the nakshatra of Shatabhishak this will be a doubly healing time for you. Decide what you want to heal within or leave behind with this full Moon energy so that you can begin a new healing journey.
Your chart ruler Saturn is retrograde right now and will finally be turning direct in late September. If you have felt as though you have been going nowhere slowly, then be ready to get things moving again once October rolls around. This is the end of a 30-year cycle for you between now and the end of 2021. The forward motion of Saturn will support you in your efforts as you wrap up necessary parts of your life and dig deeply into your sub-conscious mind to uncover and heal the shadow parts over the next year or so.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied

September 1, Full Moon Forecast
Full Moon endings in the healing nakshatra of Shatabhishak is more about healing the sub-conscious mind than the physical body. Although the mind -body connection is there and who knows what part of the body can heal when the mind is healed?
Your always important chart ruler Jupiter is getting excited to move direct on September 12. If you have been feeling somewhat stuck, especially around career and your public reputation, just hang on for a few more weeks! Things will be moving along much more quickly by early October. You will be finishing up a period of significant personal and/or career transformation by the middle of November. This transformation began late March/early April.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied