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  • Writer's picturePamela McDonough

Fall 2020 Astrology: The Tortoise and the Hare

A significant part of the planetary theme for Fall 2020 will be the tortoise and the hare!

Even though the headline story is Mars retrograde in Aries. Mars retrograde occurs only about once every two years and is significant for every rising sign, but particularly so for those those whose rising, Sun or Moon signs are ruled by Mars, which is Aries and Scorpio.

Mars retrograde dates are: 9/9 - 11/13. Do mark your calendars!

During this time Mars will also square Saturn ( 9/15-30) and Pluto (10/1-15 and 12/15-23).

Mars is definitely the hare and Saturn is the tortoise in this planetary pairing. Fiery Mars in Aries is all action, and serious Saturn in Capricorn is like, hold on there...wait just a MINUTE! You can see where I am going with this forecast!

The houses that Aries and Capricorn rules in your chart WILL be the areas of life that are activated by this transit.

Squares are represented by planets in signs that are in incompatible elements - such as Mars in fiery Aries and Saturn in earthly Capricorn. These are cardinal signs and they are places of action and initiation. And when you have planetary energies combining such as Mars retrograde with Saturn and Pluto...well, let's just say we are in for a bit of a roller coaster ride this fall.

Yes, during a global pandemic AND an election year! Wheee!

Additionally, September is action packed with Jupiter finally turning direct on September 12, Fall Equinox, September 22, and Saturn also goes direct September 29.

I created a special and very affordable ($15) crystal set in support of these intense fall transits! Free shipping now through the end of September when you purchase on my website..

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