Happy New Moon!
The September new Moon is in sidereal Virgo (remember my western astrology friends - Vedic sidereal astrology uses different calculations!) and occurs within Uttara Phalguni nakshatra this month! This nakshatra is especially supportive for new beginnings! More on this below in the nakshatra section of the email.
If you are Virgo rising, this is your one and only full Moon in your sign during 2020. Be sure to use this powerful new Moon to begin something very personal.
Regardless of your rising sign, there will be an underlying stable and earthly Virgo energy associated with this new Moon.
Saturn will be in total harmony with the new Moon, asking us to really commit and work hard at whatever we want to begin with this particular new Moon beginning! Keep in mind that whenever Saturn is involved progress will be steady but slow.
If your rising sign is between 0-10 degrees of Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus. This new Moon will hold a special meaning for you!
For all other rising signs, the house that Virgo represents in your birth chart does connect to a very specific area of your life.
Power of Prosperity Through Union
Let the light of the new Moon energy and Uttara Phalguni nakshatra bring light into your new beginnings!
12. UTTARA PHALGUNI, “THE LATTER REDDISH ONE” – 26°40’ LEO TO 10°00’ VIRGO Deity: Aryaman Symbol: Back Legs of the Marriage Bed Shakti: The Power of Prosperity through Union Quality: Fixed
Uttara Phalguni is the second half of the Phalguni pair, or the second star of patronage. The symbol is the back legs of the bed that was first introduced in the previous nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni is presided over by another one of the twelve Adityas, Aryaman, which means “good and trusted friend.” It symbolizes the dharma of the Sun and contracts, as well as contracts within unions. Friendship and trust are important virtues regarding sustaining a lengthy relationship that is bound by a contract. There is more activity associated with Purva Phalguni than Uttara Phalguni, which is more concerned with rest and relaxation. The Uttara Phalguni nakshatra also represents prosperity through union and financial success, stability, happiness, and travel. Aryaman is the deity who protects the freedom of the roads, and therefore there is a connection to travel. He also presides over family wealth and possessions and represents aristocracy.
You can read more about Uttara Phalguni and the other nakshatras and much more in my new book Vedic Astrology for Beginners.
Uttara Phalguni nakshatra energy supports:
▪New Beginnings (particularly good nakshatra for marriage!)
▪Starting a company or organization
▪Working with those in authority
▪Purchasing a home
▪Diplomatic dealings
▪Wearing new clothing
▪Donating to charitable organizations
Depending upon the house that the new Moon occurs in your birth chart, there will be an opportunity for important new beginnings specific to your birth chart.
Best Timing for New Moon Ritual
New Moon Phase:
New Moon Phase begins: September 16 7:27 a.m. Pacific Time New Moon Phase ends: September 17 4:00 a.m. Pacific Time
Best New Beginnings Ritual Timing: September 17, 4:01 a.m. PDT - September 18, 12:20 a.m. Pacific Time
There are new altar cloths, crystals and crystal grids I created for new and full Moon (and other) rituals in my Etsy store.
The cloth pictured above is a heavy faux suede fabric with Runes and the Wayfinder (Viking compass).
New Moon Intention
“Today I am grateful for all of my romantic partners, past and present."
September 17, New Moon Horoscopes
Aries New Moon Forecast
This beautiful new Moon emphasizes a new beginning for you related to your daily routines, work, health, and wellness. Have you been thinking about starting a new fitness routine or implementing a new, more efficient system at your workplace?
With Saturn in a very harmonious position to the Sun and Moon, this will give you the discipline to work with the new Moon energy to begin your new daily routine to support your health and well-being or accomplish your goals at work, or both!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Aries, the upcoming Mars retrograde is going to be especially important for you! September 9 - November 13, your chart ruler Mars is turning backward in its own sign of Aries. As your all-important ruler, this will signal a time to go inward and review important life values. Since this is your first house of self, you may also be re-evaluating health goals. If for any reason you have any health issue arise during this retrograde period be sure to get it checked out!
Once Mars goes direct in mid-November is the time to put your new personal goals and objectives into action!
Mars is also in a somewhat challenging relationship with Saturn this fall. The most intense times will be September 15-30 and again just after the new year (I cannot believe I am even referring to 2021 already!). This combination of opposing planetary energies can at times be frustrating! Especially for those ruled by action oriented, fiery Mars! The key during this time period will be to slooowwww way down - easier said than done for you, Aries. But do try. Saturn wants to go slowly, step by step. Mars wants to race to the finish line. The age-old story of the tortoise and the hare!
Additionally, Mars will be at odds (squaring) transformative Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23. More intense energies.
Mars retrograde (9/9 - 11/13)
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
Mars square Saturn (9/15-30)
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these transits in my shop here.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Taurus New Moon Forecast
Such a harmonious new Moon for you earthly Taurus! If you have something you have been waiting to create, this could be a fantastic window for new beginnings regarding a creative project. Considering adding to your family? This could also signal a time for you or your partner to become pregnant.
With Saturn in a very harmonious position to the Sun and Moon, you will want to consider all of your choices carefully and understand that there will be responsibility that comes with whatever it is you create. The process will be slow and steady toward your goal!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde and Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is almost at a standstill right now and will be turning retrograde on Wednesday, September 9. Mars is heading backward within the zone of your of your birth chart associated with the subconscious mind, sleep, and feet. Mars as the ruler of Aries is also the ruler of this domain, so a double emphasis on these areas while Mars is retrograde in its own sign.
Mars is also responsible for your romantic and business partnerships. If you are currently in a committed business or romantic relationship you may take some time to determine what is working and what is not functioning well in the relationship at this time. Be sure to wait until Mars goes direct to implement your new plans. Especially since Mars and Saturn are squaring off for the last half of September. This combination has the potential to create frustration - especially deep in the subconscious once Mars and Pluto become active in October and December. Good bedtime routines will help with potential sleep disturbances; lights out early, in bed by 9pm and no cell phones or portable devices in bed!
Here is a recap of the next few months to mark on your calendar:
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Gemini New Moon Forecast
The new Moon in Virgo happens to be in the same sign that your particularly important chart ruler, Mercury is moving through at the time of the new Moon. This places a double emphasis for you on new beginnings related to home, happiness, mother, and your privacy.
Thinking about redecorating, adding on a new office space, or maybe even moving? This is the perfect new Moon energy to get your plans in place and set your intentions for a more joyful h-aum base! Your ruler Mercury will be in full support and is considered extraordinarily strong in Virgo.
With disciplined Saturn in a very harmonious position to the Sun and new Moon, you will want to consider all of your choices carefully and understand that there will be responsibility that comes with whatever it is you create. The process will be slow and steady toward your goal!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is at a virtual standstill right now and will be turning retrograde on Wednesday, September 9 in the zone of your birth chart associated with your social and business networks, income from career and older siblings. Any and or all of these things could be up for a review during this retrograde phase.
To complicate matters, there are some intense and somewhat conflicting planetary energies interacting with Mars during the retrograde phase and beyond this fall. Both Saturn and Pluto are squaring off with Mars and this combination of planets that have the potential for frustration and transformation that is not always comfortable. Especially in the areas of life associated with your earnings and social networks.
Additionally, make note of September 22-24 on your calendar. Mercury will be exactly opposite fiery and impatient Mars while at the same time getting a tense aspect from serious Saturn and potent Pluto!
Mercury is the most easily influenced planet of all and this will be an incredibly intense time for all Mercury ruled folks. This is not the time to take any risks with your physical body - no base jumping or zip lining, etc.! Count to ten - avoid any potentially explosive interactions or disagreements, especially on social media since Mars is in the 11th house! Also, not the time for important negotiations or meetings if you can reasonably avoid them. The good news is that Mercury will move out of range of these difficult energies by the end of September.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Cancer New Moon Forecast
The advancing light of the Virgo new Moon in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra will support new beginnings for you related to writing or marketing projects, artistic endeavors or anything requiring courage to act!
With disciplined Saturn in a very harmonious position to the Sun and new Moon, you will want to consider all of your choices carefully and understand that there will be responsibility that comes with whatever it is you create. The process will be slow and steady toward your goal!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is a key planet for Cancer rising at it rules the all-important house of career, public reputation, children, creativity, and passion to name a few indications.
Mars is standing still right now and is very bright and strong in the sky as it prepares to retrograde on Wednesday, September 9 in your chart associated with career. This retrograde phase could signal a significant review of your career path for 2021. From now through November 13 is an excellent time to contemplate what is working and what you do not find fulfilling in your current work situation. One Mars goes direct put your plans into place.
But wait! There is more... Mars will be taken to task with serious Saturn the last two weeks of September. There may be some challenges at work that seem to be insurmountable or you may be feeling frustrated and blocked at every turn as you try to resolve the issues. Be patient! This is the lesson of Saturn, to slow down and take things one step at a time.
Once the Saturn influence abates, powerful Pluto comes into the picture the first two weeks of October. This could encourage transformation in your career. The watch-out with this transit is that it has the potential to be ruthless and/or devious. Mindfulness at work is critical during this transit!
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Leo New Moon Forecast
The advancing light of the Virgo new Moon in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra will support new beginnings for you related to savings plan, food lifestyle plan or diet and family.
With disciplined Saturn in a very harmonious position to the Sun and new Moon, this will lend the support if you like so many others gained some "Pande(mic)" pounds. Saturn will be sure that if you are disciplined you will reach your goal, although plan for a slow and steady weight loss program It is Saturn, after all!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
This extraordinarily strong Mars with be going retrograde in fiery Aries which is in harmony with your fiery sign of Leo. Mars will be moving backward in your 9th house, which is connected to father, higher learning, foreign travel, teaching, teachers and luck and fortune. Any or all of these things may be up for review during this Mars retrograde period that lasts through mid-November.
To complicate matters, there are some intense and somewhat conflicting planetary energies interacting with Mars during the retrograde phase and beyond this fall. Both Saturn and Pluto are squaring off with Mars and this combination of planets that have the potential to create some divine discontent in the ninth house matters I just mentioned.
Saturn may cause some delays or obstacles regarding higher learning or foreign travel (especially now with Covid in play!) Mars is impatient and may feel as though Saturn is blocking his spiritual progress. The key is to hang in there and take things one-step-at-a-time.
Once the Saturn influence to Mars subsides, Pluto comes into the picture. Pluto on the other hand is asking for radical transformation of Mars and ninth house matters. Beware of teachers that are potentially manipulative or not completely above board during the first two weeks of October.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Virgo New Moon Forecast
Each year, you get one new Moon in your especially important first house of self! The first house is your physical body, your personality and personal style, and perspective on life.
And this new Moon is a fabulously supportive new Moon to set your intentions for something very personal. Maybe you would like to change your style or begin a new meditation program. Whichever the case this is a great time to set your intentions and begin anew!
Disciplinarian Saturn is in a very harmonious position relative to the Sun and new Moon, which will lend the support to your cause! Saturn will be sure that if you are disciplined you will reach your goal, although plan for a slow and steady progress, which is extremely comfortable for Saturn!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
The Mars retrograde phase is taking place in the transformation zone of your chart, Virgo! This two-month period could bring up some review around your personal transformation. Aries, where fiery Mars is ruler and your eighth house is also associated with your partners assets. There may be some reassessments to savings or investment plans at this time.
The influence of slow Saturn during the last two weeks of September and transformative Pluto the first two weeks of October will also add some potential frustration to eighth house matters I described earlier in this forecast. There could also be some delays to an inheritance or insurance settlement at this time. Patience will be required!
Additionally, make note of September 22-24 on your calendar. Mercury will be exactly opposite fiery and impatient Mars while at the same time getting a tense aspect from serious Saturn and potent Pluto!
Mercury is the most easily influenced planet of all and this will be an incredibly intense time for all Mercury ruled folks. This is not the time to take any risks with your physical body - no base jumping or zip lining, etc.! Also, not the time for important negotiations or meetings if you can reasonably avoid them. The good news is that Mercury will move out of range of these difficult energies by the end of September.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Libra New Moon Forecast
Your subconscious mind is the focus of this new Moon! Dreams may be powerful the night before, the night of and the night after the new Moon. Play close attention to the dreams on the nights as they may provide the clue as to what needs to surface for this 6-month cycle of new to full Moon phase on the Virgo-Pisces axis.
if you have been contemplating a mindfulness or meditation practice this is a wonderfully supportive time to set your intentions and sign up for a new course!
Saturn, the absolute best planet for Libra rising is in a very harmonious position relative to the Sun and new Moon, which will lend the support to your goals! Saturn will be sure that if you are disciplined you will reach your goal, although plan for a slow and steady progress. It is Saturn, after all!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 202 and Key Fall Mars Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is almost at a standstill in your 7th house of relationships and is headed for a rewind on Wednesday, September 9. This retrograde Mars phase is a wonderful time to contemplate personal and business relationships, past and present. Take time now through mid-November to do a review of this important part of your life! Libra is naturally all about relationships, so this is a critical and influential transit for you to do the work that Mars is nudging you to do.
And while you are contemplating, you will get yet another nudge from Saturn amid this Mars retrograde. Saturn, the realist will be making sure your rose-colored glasses are off and stay off for the last two weeks of September, especially when it comes to romantic and business relationships!
If you are currently in a relationship some issues around responsibility, particularly in the home may arise. Especially if you and your partner are working together and potentially sharing a work-from-home space 24/7! This influence will be in effect for the final two weeks of September.
And once you get through that...here comes the Mars/Pluto square! Square energies among planets create tension. When harnessed properly this can get a lot of things done! But when the planets are fiery and impatient Mars and potent and sometimes plotting Pluto the energy can be a bit convoluted. Beware of a manipulative partner or be mindful that you might possible be manipulative in a personal or business relationship the first two weeks of October.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Scorpio New Moon Forecast
Oh, happy day! It is time to invigorate your income, social and career networks, and if you have an older sibling connect more deeply with them.
Self-employed? If so, this is a great time to set your intentions around earnings and maybe review your rates. Are you charging enough - or maybe too much? Whichever the case this is the one new Moon that is super supportive of new beginnings for 2020 to highlight these areas of your life.
Saturn is in the mix too, ready to lend a disciplined hand to your plans! This will help you to reach goal although remember it will be a slow and pace since It is Saturn, after all!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Your all-important ruler Mars is standing still right now as he prepares to retrograde Wednesday, September 9 in Aries. His other sign!
Aries is in your chart is associated with health, daily routines, mundane work activities, being of service to others, plus enemies and debts. Now is a terrific time to look at these areas of your life and determine what might be implemented to improve the matters of this house once Mars goes direct in November.
Mars influence on this part of your chart will not be the only one though! Serious Saturn is asking you to get with the program and be disciplined around your health, work, and daily routines! The combined energies of Mars and Saturn can lead to frustration and anger, so be particularly mindful when this influence is strong the last two weeks of September.
And once Saturn becomes a little less influential...here comes the Mars/Pluto square! Square energies among planets create tension. When harnessed properly this can get a lot of things done! But when the planets are fiery and impatient Mars and potent and sometimes plotting Pluto the energy can be a bit convoluted. Beware of a potential wolf in sheep's clothing around this time. An enemy could really be a frenemy!
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Sagittarius New Moon Forecast
This new Moon in Virgo is in the most powerful area of your horoscope! Your public reputation, career and career goals are all up to be reenergized by the light of this new Moon when it becomes light and waxing once again, just after the new Moon phase.
There will be some hard work involved, whatever your intentions around your career are because Saturn is influencing the new Moon, however it is a super supportive glance from hard working Saturn!
Keep this serious and disciplined Saturn influence in mind as you plan your career goals for the next six months. Progress with be slow and steady - remember the turtle always wins the race!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is pretty much not moving right now as he prepares to go retrograde on Wednesday, September 9. This retrograde phase will be in Aries in your 5th house of children, romance, joy, and creativity.
If you have young children, this is a great time to take a closer look and see what additional support they might need at this time. It has been double hard on kids and parents during the pandemic! If you have adult children, this is a great time to re-assess your relationship with them and what if any financial support you might be offering them. I mention finances with adult children because responsible Saturn is going to be very engaged with Mars during this last two weeks of September, sending his gaze of responsibility to the fifth house from the area of your chart associated with financial assets. There is a potential for conflict with children during this time so be mindful and just know this is NOT a great time to get into it with them. Once Mars goes direct in mid-November will be a less intense energy for difficult conversations, if necessary.
Additionally, powerful Pluto is going to be sending his energy to Mars right after Saturn's influence diminishes. The first two weeks of October has the potential for some transformation around fifth house matters (mentioned in the first paragraph) and some possibility for manipulation, due to the Pluto/Mars combined influence on the fifth house.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Capricorn New Moon Forecast
This is a beautifully positioned new Moon relative to your sign, Capricorn! The earthly sign of Virgo is in complete harmony with you. And the new Moon occurs in the most auspicious zone of your horoscope!
If you have been feeling like you have lost your spiritual mojo, this new Moon is the PERFECT opportunity to revitalize this area of your life. Luck and fortune, abundance, philosophy, spirituality, and religion are all connected to Virgo where this new Moon occurs.
And to top it all off, your ruler Saturn (who is officially going direct September 28) is in a super harmonious and supportive role for you to get serious and disciplined about connecting with and manifesting abundance, spirituality and possibly a new course related to higher learning? And if you are a teacher yourself, you may decide to offer some new courses. Set your intentions around this new Moon!
Since the new Moon occurs in a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
These are key transits for you Capricorn. Saturn is finally going to be moving forward on September 29, and you will once again feel like life is becoming UN-stuck! That is the great news about this fall and holiday season.
The Mars/Saturn square has the potential for you to harness a lot of energy both physically and emotionally during the last two weeks of September. I would advise you to maintain mindfulness at this time though. Sometimes the combined energies of Saturn (the tortoise) and Mars (the hare) can be a struggle. Slow and steady always wins the race! If you begin to feel frustrated make sure to go out into nature and take in the green, grounded energy of the earth.
Once Saturn and Mars lighten up, powerfully transformative Pluto will be at odds with Mars. This energy is combining in your fourth house of happiness and the first house of self. So, a very personal influence that can be transformative emotionally - OR - the potential for self-delusion or denial. This influence will also last the first two weeks of October and again for a week in December. This is a powerful time to uncover any emotional shadows that are lurking in the background.
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Aquarius New Moon Forecast
Ready to transform part of your life? If so, this is your fabulous and supportive new Moon to do set your intentions! Or if you are interested in going deeper into astrology or other esoteric arts, you can use the powerful new Moon energy in Virgo to support your path.
Additionally, Saturn is full support of your transformation! Finally going direct about ten days after the new Moon, you too will feel like you are reading to move forward with your transformation. But do keep in mind that your goals must be realistic, and timing for your objectives slow and steady. Why, you ask? Because Saturn as the tortoise will reward disciplined, slow progress and always will win the race!
Since the new Moon occurs in Purva Phalguni, a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
First up is Mars retrograde! As I write this forecast Mars is at a virtual standstill and is EXTRAORDINARILY strong just as he prepares to go retrograde on Wednesday, September 9.
The retrograde phase will occur in your third house which is associated with younger siblings, courage, artistic endeavors, and writing.
If you are in the middle of an article or maybe even a book, you may take this time to re-evaluate your format or even the content! It is always ideal to wait until Mars goes direct before implementing major changes though.
There is a bit more complexity to this Mars retrograde though. For the final two weeks in September, fiery Mars and responsible Saturn will be squaring off. This energy can be powerful when used for higher good to accomplish a lot! But when the energy is focused in the lower realms it can be frustrating, the fast pace of fiery Mars combined with the slower serious energy of Saturn. Be extra mindful of interactions with younger siblings, as well as the written word (such as on social media) during the last two weeks of September when this influence is strongest.
And finally! The first two weeks of October (and a week in December) powerful and transformative Pluto gets into the mix with Mars. This is definitely a different vibe than Mars and Saturn. The energy s much more connected to the subconscious mind and could also create an OVER abundance of willpower, the potential for irrational actions and manipulation - particularly related to younger siblings, if you have them. On the lighter side it can manifest as transformative courage that can support your goals and objectives!
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behaviors
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
See the crystal set created to help support you during these Mars/Saturn/Pluto transits in my shop.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
Pisces New Moon Forecast
The Virgo new Moon is the third of four of the most powerful new Moons during 2020!
This new Moon occurs in the house of your horoscope associated with your romantic partnerships and secondarily business partnerships. If you are currently in a committed partnership this truly the BEST new Moon to renew your vows! Even if you do not want to do the traditional vow renewal, just a simple and meaningful ritual at home with your partner is as significant, or more! The nakshatra Uttara Phalguni is fantastic for marriage and marriage contracts specifically.
Or if you are or are not in a committed partnership this is the best time to set your intentions around what you might want to change or inject into your relationship to create more stability, joy and romance!
Traditional Saturn is also in support of any relationship commitments since he is in a wonderful trine (same earth element) as the new Moon energy.
Since the new Moon occurs in Purva Phalguni, a lunar mansion that is super supportive for new beginnings, it is a great time to set your intentions and then do whatever ritual (candle lighting, crystals, tarot card pull) you like to support these intentions once the Moon has shifted to waxing.
I would recommend working with tourmalated quartz and/or black Moonstone for this new Moon energy. The black tourmaline and black Moonstone bring in the energy of Saturn in harmony with the Moon.
The times best for rituals are listed on part one of this forecast here.
One other important note - Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs on September 20. Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. This will bring the eclipses to these two signs for the next 18 months. More on this before the eclipses in November and December.
Mars Retrograde 2020 and Key Fall Transits
Mars retrograde 9/9 - 11/13
Mars square Saturn 9/15-30
Mars square Pluto 10/1-15 and 12/15-23
Mars is pretty much not moving right now as he prepares to go retrograde on Wednesday, September 9. This retrograde phase will be in Aries in your 2nd house of assets, income, and family. An ideal time to have a closer look at your assets and see what needs to stay or what must go! The second house is also associated with speech. It is important to be ultra-mindful during this Mars retrograde period or you may be walking back a lot of comments once Mars goes direct!
Once somber and responsible Saturn gets into the mix from September 15-30, this will connect the networking zone of your birth chart (both social and career) to your second house of speech. Extra caution is advised during this time! These two houses are also the "money" houses for Pisces rising. There may be some frustration around finances and possibly some delay in earnings if you are not on paid on a regular schedule.
Next up is Pluto square Mars just after the Saturn influence begins to fade at the end of September. This influence alone can really inspire one to significantly or transform your larger social network. With Mars and Pluto energies combining there may be some frustration around the speed in which things are moving and shifting regarding social ideals. The shadow side of this transit it is using manipulation to get what you want - and it may be difficult to recognize within yourself unless you are very mindful! Pluto energy comes from very deep within the subconscious mind. October 1-15 is the time to be most personally aware but also a powerful time to share your thoughts about social change!
· Mars Retrograde Negative: Revisiting situations or experiences that can re-surface anger, aggression, or impulsiveness.
· Mars retrograde Positive: Revising reactivity to situations that would normally cause frustration, impulsiveness, or anger.
· Mars Square Saturn Positive: Problem solving, tenacity, courage and methodical process combined.
· Mars Square Saturn Negative: Frustration and anger, feeling blocked.
· Mars Square Pluto Positive: Unearthing subconscious patterns that no longer serve your highest good, harness energy of these two to create positive physical and emotional changes.
· Mars Square Pluto Negative: Subconscious rage, hidden aggression, manipulative behavior.
Be sure to read part one of this forecast for ritual timing and much more!
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here to sign up for my newsletter
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied