Happy Full Moon!
In case you missed the Key to Essential Astrological Transits of March 2022 email or want to double check some dates you can find all of the important details on my blog once you finish with the full Moon forecast!
There is one more significant planetary shift in the celestial sky this month that occurs just before March's full Moon. Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of the Moon) change signs for the first time since September of 2020. Look for a separate email from me in the next week about this very important shift! If you are not already on my mailing list, you can sign up here.

1.Check your birth chart for planets between 1-3 degrees of Virgo. They will be very sensitized at this full Moon time! Virgo rising this is your only full Moon of the year.
2. The full Moon is receiving just one very close influence from Pluto. Pluto conveys to the Moon it's powerful and transformative energies. Utilize the energies of death and rebirth from Pluto to mark an important ending or create a new beginning. Suggested times for beginning and endings in the section below.
3. The Moon will be at its brightest at 12:17am PT on March 18. Catch the brilliant and beautiful almost full Moon rising from the east around 6:47pm the night before. Or observe the newly waning Moon as it sets to the west on March 18 before 7:50am PT.
If you know your rising sign you will have an idea of where the full Moon energy is most supportive in your life experience. These are the areas of life that function best with the full Moon energies and endings by rising sign. If you do not know your rising sign you can get it for free on my site here. This page is best viewed on a laptop or desktop.
FULL MOON ENERGY FORECAST FOR YOUR RISING SIGN Aries: Work, service, daily routine, habits, health Taurus: Children, creativity, fun and games, speculation Cancer: Home, happiness, mother, land and vehicles Gemini: Short distance travels, courage, communication, siblings Leo: Family, savings, speech Virgo: Self, perspective, personal appearance, health Libra: Subconscious, dreams, foreign lands, meditation, sleep, feet Scorpio: Financial gains from work, social and career networking, older siblings Sagittarius: Career, public reputation Capricorn: Spirituality, philosophy, dharma, foreign travels Aquarius: Transformation, partners assets, inheritance, longevity Pisces: Committed partnerships (personal and business)

Those in the Vimshottari main or sub planetary periods of Sun will feel this powerful new Moon energy even more. If you do not know which planetary period you are in you can calculate it for free on my site here.
UTTARA PHALGUNI, “THE LATTER REDDISH ONE” Deity: Aryaman Symbol: Back Legs of the Marriage Bed Shakti: The Power of Prosperity through Union Quality: Fixed VD Planetary Period Lord: Sun
Uttara Phalguni is the second half of the Phalguni pair, or the second star of patronage. The symbol is the back legs of the bed that was first introduced in the previous nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni is presided over by another one of the twelve Adityas, Aryaman, which means “good and trusted friend.” It symbolizes the dharma of the Sun and contracts, as well as contracts within unions. Friendship and trust are important virtues with regard to sustaining a lengthy relationship that is bound by a contract. Read more in my book, Vedic Astrology for Beginners!
Full Moon energies are generally excellent for endings, however if you want to begin something new, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is an outstanding nakshatra for starting a number of activities. Just be sure to begin your new project before the Moon shifts to waning.
Uttara Phalguni nakshatra energy supports: Weddings New Beginnings Dealing with Government and Management Signing Contracts Travel Gardening and Planting

Full Moon Phase begins March 17 @pm Pacific Time Full Moon Phase ends March 18 @12:17am Pacific Time BEST TIMING ENDINGS RITUAL: Wait for the Moon to start to wane first for endings! Initiate endings March 17 after 12:16am Pacific Time BEST TIMING BEGINNINGS RITUAL: Be sure to start your ritual BEFORE the Moon starts to wane March 18. Best times are between March 17, 1:00am through March 18, 12:17am PT!