
Your generous support makes the Moondance Astrology blog and forecasts possible!
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Cancellation Policy
All memberships and subscriptions provided by Moondance Astrology will automatically renew. Cancellation request must be submitted by email to pamelamcdonough@comcast.net at least 48 hours before the renewal date. Cancellation notice sent to pamelamcdonough@comcast.net will terminate all use of the membership benefits and automatic renewals will end after the previous paid period ends.
There are no refunds.
If you wish to cancel your membership, the purchased plan and payment will not continue for the next membership cycle. For example, if you purchased the plan on January 20, 2019 and cancel on March 30, your membership will be covered for three months and will cancel cancel a monthly plan in the middle of January, the plan continues until the end for January, but does not recur in the following months. During January, in this example, the Plan Status will be "Pending Cancellation".
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